Celebrating our Commitment - A Year of Reducing Plastic
Date & Time10. December 2024
17:00 - 21:00 (BST) -
OrganiserBaltic Environmenatl Forum Germany
- PLIETSCH, Sachsentor 23
- 21025 Hamburg
- Germany
Since the beginning of the year, many households in Bergedorf have been trying to reduce their consumption of single-use plastic. As part of our INTERREG project BaltiPlast, we have given them the necessary tools to do so. Now it's time to say THANK YOU!
So come and join us in Bergedorf on December 10 at PLIETSCH (Sachsentor 23, 21025 Hamburg)! On the second floor, together with the Bergedorf district office, the Initiative Plastikfreie Stadt and HAW Hamburg, we would like to thank all households for their great commitment.
But even for those of you who have not taken part in the “plastic diet”, there are plenty of reasons to stop by: We offer do-it-yourself ideas and space for exchanging ideas on the topic of saving plastic.
Come along, it's worth it!
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14:30 - 18:00 (CET)
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08:30 - 14:00 (EET)