Arts on Prescription - Talk, Kulturmødet 2024

Project: Arts on Prescription
Physical Meeting
Informal conversation about how to take Culture/Arts on Prescription Programmes to a national level
  • Date & Time
    22. August 2024
    17:00 - 18:00 (CET)
  • Organiser
    Culture Region Funen, Kulturvitaminer Project at Aalborg Municipality, Kulturvitaminer Project at Copenhagen Municipality
  • Venue
    • Kulturregion Fyns Lounge, KulturVejen , Gasværksvej 21-7
    • 7900 7900 Nykøbing Mors
    • Denmark
  • Contact


Culture Region Funen invites to an informal conversation about how to take the experience and relevance of social prescribing approaches implemented in DK - Culture on Prescription Funen and Arts on Prescription in the Baltic Sea Region - to a national level. Among other things, the debate will focus on national recommendations for decision-makers to anchore Social Prescribing in national health care systems. The conversation is an open dialog and exchange of experiences with coordinators, project managers and cultural facilitators from Culture/Arts on Prescription initiatives across the country.


  • Mathilde Kihl Kellermann, Project Manager for Funen Culture on Prescription, and for Interreg BSR project 'Arts on Prescription in the Baltic Sea Region'

Panelists confirmed:

  • Kirstine Rønnow Due, Development Consultant, City of Copenhagen
  • Mikael Odder Nielsen, Cultural Coordinator, Culture on Prescription, Center for Mental Health, Aalborg Municipality


Upcoming events

InnoCulture Conference 2024
Project: Arts on Prescription
Physical Meeting
19. - 20. November 2024
12:00 - 13:00 (CET)

    Past events

    Panel Discussion - No culture, no health!
    Project: Arts on Prescription
    Physical Meeting
    06. July 2024
    13:00 - 14:30 (CET)
    4th Physical Project Partner Meeting of the AoP consortium
    Project: Arts on Prescription
    Physical Meeting
    18. - 20. June 2024
    EX-IN Deutschland e.V. - Annual Conference 2024
    Project: Arts on Prescription
    Physical Meeting
    06. - 08. June 2024