APRIORA Target Group Webinar (1)

Project: APRIORA
Virtual event
internal webinar providing first insights in core modules and expected outputs for target groups


This is the first event of a webinar series with a direct focus towards our target groups in APRIORA. At this preparation stage of the APRIORA solution, the "risk assessment capacity framework", we are reaching out to the future applicants during piloting. Both project partners and associated organisations are invited and will participate in this webinar.

To bring everyone up to the same level, the core modules A/B/C will be presented framed by overview and output presentations. Afterwards, an interactive session will follow and give target group representatives and partners the chance to exchange their feedback, clarification requests and hints for further development of the solution.


Upcoming events

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    Past events

    APRIORA & EMPEREST national workshop in Rostock
    Project: APRIORA
    Physical Meeting
    12. February 2025
    08:30 - 16:00 (CET)
    APRIORA Partner Meeting
    Project: APRIORA
    Physical Meeting
    22. - 23. April 2024
    14:30 - 16:00 (EEST)
    APRIORA Kick-off Meeting
    Project: APRIORA
    Physical Meeting
    20. - 21. November 2023
    14:00 - 15:00 (CET)