4th General Assembly Meeting

Physical Meeting


Our upcoming BALTIPLAST General Assembly Meeting is a Milestone in Tackling Plastic Pollution

We are pleased to announce our 4th BALTIPLAST General Assembly Meeting, where our project partners will gather to review our progress and set the course for future actions aimed at reducing plastic pollution in the Baltic Sea Region.

As we approach the end of our second project year and continue with our piloting activities, the meeting will focus on several key topics critical to our project's success. From updates on our latest initiatives and pilot achievements – highlighting tangible progress and success stories in plastic-reduction efforts to strategies for engaging communities – exploring effective ways to involve citizens and stakeholders in sustainable plastic-reduction actions. Also, we will address how transnational cooperation can reduce plastic pollution and strengthen our collective impact.

This event is a crucial opportunity to reflect on our achievements, share insights, and map out the next phase of our work towards a plastic-free Baltic Sea Region.

Let’s continue building a sustainable future together!



    Day 1
    Time Activity Presenter
    08:00-08:30 Arrival and Registration (coffee reception) -
    08:30-08:40 Opening the meeting HAW & Hel
    08:40-08:50 Agenda and Goals HAW
    08:50-09:00 Overview of the project HAW
    09:00-09:30 Visibility of the project HAW
    09:30-11:00 Pilot status – discussion of current situation and engagement of target groups All GoA leaders
      Lunch 11:00-12:00  
    12:00-13:30 Focus Group - Strategic framework for plastic prevention and reduction (GoA 2.1) SEI
    Focus Group - Solutions for Households "BaltiPlast(ic) Diet" (GoA 2.4) BEF-DE
    13:30-15:00 Focus group - Soft Measures for Municipalities, Schools and Businesses (GoA 2.2) BEF-DE
    Focus group - Technical & Technological Measures (GoA 2.3) KTU
    Coffee Break 15:00-15:30
    15:30-16:10 Pilot Assessment (GoA 2.5) SEI
    16:10-16:50 Environmental Impact Assessment (GoA 2.5) TalTech
    16:50-17:10 Project Officer – update/comments JS
    17:10-17:20 Closing the meeting HAW
    Dinner Starting at 19:00  (Lasikabinetti | Paasitorni)
    Day 2
    Time Activity Presenter
    08:30-09:00 Arrival and Registration (coffee reception) -
    09:00-09:25 Transfer strategic and Soft Measures to Municipalities (GoA 3.1) HAW & UBC-SCC
    09:25-09:45 Capacity building on addressing plastic waste for Municipalities and Public Service Providers (GoA 3.2) UBC-SCC
    09:45-10:00 Starting activities: “Reaching out to business" (GoA 3.3) HAW
    10:00-10:40 The BALTIPLAST campaign achievements and planning for local action days (GoA 3.4) CCB
    10:40-11:00 Feedback from the Project Officer JS
    Lunch 11:00 -12:00
    12:00-13:30 Shaping Deliverables:  D2.1, D 2.2, D2.3, D2.4 BEF-DE
    13:30-14:00 Budget Changes and Financial Management HAW
    14:00-14:30 Next steps All PPs
    Coffee Break 14:30-15:00
    15:00-15:30 Closing the meeting HAW
    15:30-17:00 Cultural activity Hel
    Dinner Starting at 19:00 (optional)


Upcoming events

Reducing Plastic, Enhancing Sustainability: Smart Solutions for Every Business
Virtual Meeting & Physical Meeting
02. April 2025
14:30 - 18:00 (CET)
Easter Egg Hunt
Physical Meeting
14. - 17. April 2025
00:00 - 23:59 (CET)
Symposium on Innovation in the Circularity of Plastic Materials
Physical Meeting
20. May 2025

    Past events

    Sustainable Christmas Days
    Project: BALTIPLAST
    Physical Meeting
    09. - 13. December 2024
    Celebrating our Commitment - A Year of Reducing Plastic
    Project: BALTIPLAST
    Physical Meeting
    10. December 2024
    17:00 - 21:00 (BST)
    Sustainable Synergy: Businesses & Events Joining Forces Against Plastics
    Project: BALTIPLAST
    Physical Meeting
    28. November 2024
    08:30 - 14:00 (EET)