14th Nordic Public Health Conference 2025

Date13. - 15. May 2025
OrganiserThe Public Health Agency of Sweden, in close collaboration with Göteborg stad and Västra Götalandsregionen.
- Conference Secretariat
- nphc2025@meetx.se
- https://www.nphc2025.se
The Nordic Public Health Conference is held every three years and brings together policymakers, researchers, practitioners and organisations from across the Nordic region. The Nordic Public Health Conference is held every three years and has been a cooperation between the Nordic countries since the start in 1987.
This year it will be organized in Gothenburg by The Public Health Agency of Sweden. The conference will be held in English and the theme is “Public Health in a changing world – challenges, opportunities and collaboration in the Nordic countries”.
More information on sub-themes and sessions are provided at the conference website: https://www.nphc2025.se/programme/conference-theme/
Our project joined forces with Paula Bergman, Region Jönköpings län, and present diverse perspectives across research and practice, insights from five countries, showcasing the potential of Arts on Prescription for health promotion and mental well-being. Moreover, our online Arts on Prescription guide will be launched for the general public providing how-to-guides, lessons learned and audiovisual guidance for link workers, culture and arts facilitators, and decision-makers on various aspects of setting up, monitor, evaluate and finance an Arts on Prescription programmes.
Upcoming events
13 |
May |
09:00 - 15:30 (CET)
Past events
06 | - | 07 |
March |
31 |
January |
27 |
November |
13:00 - 18:00 (CET)