Interreg Baltic Sea Region


Access to research and cross-border cooperation key motivators for small companies to join projects

Access to research and cross-border cooperation key motivators for small companies to join projects

The InnoFruit Project (Advancement of non-technological innovation performance and innovation capacity in the fruit growing and processing sectors in selected Baltic Sea countries) recently kicked-off in Dobele, Latvia. One of the project partners, Berry Plus Ltd, represented by its marketing manager Ms Ilze Sauškina, was interviewed about the company’s motivation to join an Interreg Baltic Sea Region Project.

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New skills for social workers in Lithuania and beyond

New skills for social workers in Lithuania and beyond

Many rural areas in the Baltic Sea Region find themselves in a downward spiral, where outward migration and the recent economic downturn are leading to a deterioration of social service infrastructure and quality of life. Social empowerment in rural areas (SEMPRE) – a project funded by Interreg Baltic Sea Region – is getting ready to improve social services.

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Disarming the baltic seabed

Disarming the baltic seabed

Decision aid for marine munitions (DAIMON) is a project that was approved under the first call for the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme (2014-2020). It aims at supporting maritime, defence and environmental administrations in making decisions on management strategies for dumped chemical and conventional warfare in the Baltic Sea and the Skagerrak.

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When researchers bond with companies

When researchers bond with companies

A popular item in Latvian ladies’ handbags is the Dzintars lipstick. Dzintars – a well-known manufacturer of perfumery and biocosmetics – recently faced a manufacturing problem that could have caused a loss in reputation or even turn-over. New lipstick brands...

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