Interreg Baltic Sea Region


Project Steering Group Meeting 11.12.2023

The first meeting with the steering group 11.12.2023 The meeting was attended by associate partners, representing in particular target groups - parents, children and families. In this meeting we had Associated Partners with us from: Outi Tuominen Turku University...

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Year 2023 of DistanceLAB in brief

During our first year of activities we have regularly had consortium meetings and target group meetings. We have also started an AI-group. Almost 100 target group organisations have been contacted. All partners have been actively preparing and participating on pilot...

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Webinar for public institutions in Mazovia

Webinar for public institutions in Mazovia

Can public institutions expand their offer of services to include those based on modern technologies? Where can virtual reality be used in the public sector? Education, tourism, therapy for seniors and children - virtual and augmented reality solutions are already...

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Make a wish!

Make a wish!

  The idea is to combine the Christmas season with input from students and to ask for their wishes. In this activity, students using the Libraries at Business and Social Sciences (BSS) are invited to give all kind of input where their wishes are in focus. Faculty...

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Between remote work and traditional office

Between remote work and traditional office

Currently there are 10 partners running 7 different work spaces that are the region's alternative and intermediate solution between home office and the traditional office landscape. In coworking places businesses, entrepreneurs, freelancers, public employees, visitors...

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