Interreg Baltic Sea Region


Potatoes help make small countries big

Potatoes help make small countries big

Pajusi mõisa von Wahli restorani hoones toimus 6.–7. novembril Lätit, Eestit ja Soomet ühendava Interregi projekti MainPotRe kohtumine ning rahvusvaheline kartulipäev, kus tutvustati ka kolme riigi hobikasvatajate ja kartulitarbijate uuringu tulemusi. Lisaks leidis...

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Telling the GYPREG story…

Telling the GYPREG story…

BLOG 1. -  November 2023: It starts! The kick-off meeting of the new GYPREG project is now over. Helsinki in November greeted our partners from Finland, Lithuania, Latvia and Sweden and virtually also from Poland. The nicest thing in face-to-face meetings is just...

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Not just books…

Not just books…

Soon, the Library at AU Herning will be back on track when we move into the new location at the beginning of 2025. The library was “packed away” before the summer holiday in 2024, and since then, a lot of work has been done to create a new, cool space for the...

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Join the Safe Water Mentoring Programme!

Join the Safe Water Mentoring Programme!

The Safe Water Mentoring Programme, part of the ReNutriWater project, is looking for dedicated professionals like you to help turn reclaimed water into a valuable resource for the environment and the economy. This hands-on mentoring experience offers the guidance and...

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