Interreg Baltic Sea Region


The Situation of Refugee Women in Estonia

The Situation of Refugee Women in Estonia

The Resilience and Potential of Refugee Women in Estonia A Closer Look at Opportunities and Challenges Estonia, like its neighboring countries in the Baltic Sea region, has become a new home for many refugee women escaping war and conflict. The BSI_4Women project,...

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1st Survey Video

1st Survey Video

We are happy to invite you to take a look at the promotional video of our Project. The aim of the video is to introduce the idea behind the Project to the participants of the survey, and to portray the impact of the students and young reaserchers on the deeptech...

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BSR DeepTech Launch 1st Survey Meeting

BSR DeepTech Launch 1st Survey Meeting

On March 7th all the BSR DeepTech Launch Project partners met online to discuss the first survey within the Project. The aim of the survey is to better understand the needs of students and young researchers who want to become deeptech entrepreneurs. First of all, the...

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New Space for Aarhus BSS Business Engineers

New Space for Aarhus BSS Business Engineers

Take-aways from this workshop was mainly: There is a need for quiet space Power outlets are very important Do not let the copy machines take the space (get them out of the library) Coffee machine inside the library Organic materials are wanted Important with books in...

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