Interreg Baltic Sea Region


Blue Supply Chains – one year in

Blue Supply Chains – one year in

  A total of six pilot projects, accompanied by additional activities, make up the main body of the BSC project, developed by partners from eight European countries from within the Baltic Sea region (BSR). They are centered around three main goals – to evaluate...

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Collaborative Efforts: Online Workshops

Collaborative Efforts: Online Workshops

  In addition to offline meetings, we also held several online workshops. In February and March, we met online for conceptual workshops to fine-tune details concerning the selection process of companies for the program, the pilot phase, the substantive content,...

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Sustainable Fisheries Working Group

Sustainable Fisheries Working Group

“If you can’t beat them, eat them” – the inaugural Sustainable Fisheries Working group focused on opportunities and challenges for commercial fishing of Round Goby in the Baltic Sea. 23 participants joined the first meeting on April 11th, 2024, to learn more about...

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TGT Creative Space in Pori’s City Centre

TGT Creative Space in Pori’s City Centre

Imagine turning your creative vision into reality right in the heart of the city center. An empty commercial space, full of light through window walls, by the main promenade of your city, and all free of charge. What would you do? The local Liveability team in Pori...

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Introducing Cybersecurity First Aid Clinic

Introducing Cybersecurity First Aid Clinic

The cybersecurity landscape is constantly evolving, with employees changing, so it's essential for companies to continuously maintain a certain level of expertise. That's why the basics of cybersecurity need to be revisited regularly. At the First Aid Clinic you can...

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