Interreg Baltic Sea Region


Biežāk uzdotie jautājumi (LV)

Biežāk uzdotie jautājumi (LV)

Kāpēc mēs runājam par ezeru ūdens kvalitāti, ja eirofikācija ezerus skar tikai augustā? Iedalījums pēc organisko vielu daudzuma, kas izpaužas kā iedalījums eitrofos, mezotrofos un oligotrofos ezeros ir nemainīgs visa gada garumā, tas nozīmē, ka ezeri nekļūst eitrofi...

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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we talk about lakes’ water quality if they suffer from eutrophication only in August? The categorization by amount of organic matter (i.e. eutrophic, mesotrophic and oligotrophic lakes) is constant throughout the year, meaning lakes do not become eutrophic in...

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Pilot 5: Nowy Klincz, Poland

Pilot 5: Nowy Klincz, Poland

The pilot facility is a wastewater treatment plant located in the Bure Misie Settlement, in Nowy Klincz, near Kościerzyna, in the Pomeranian Voivodship, Poland. According to data from 2017, Pomorskie Voivodeship is the second most attractive province in Poland in...

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Pilot 4: Skovgaard Gods, Denmark

Pilot 4: Skovgaard Gods, Denmark

A constructed wetland has been designed and installed at Skovgaard Gods, Denmark. It's designed to accommodate up to 60 population equivalent  (PE) during the summer and 1-2 PE during the winter. This fit well with the constructed wetland where grow is most active...

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Pilot 3: Næstved, Denmark

Pilot 3: Næstved, Denmark

The project tests nanobubbles as a new solution for wastewater treatment, particularly in cases of high organic load or variable demand. Location: Næstved, Denmark The technology used in the pilot: Vallensved WWTP is a small biological wastewater treatment plant...

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Pilot 2:  Barösund, Finland

Pilot 2: Barösund, Finland

The pilot site Bärosund marina is located in the Bärosund strait in Ingå, between the islands of Barölandet and Orslandet on the coast of southern Finland. During the high season, the amount of wastewater handled by the Barösund marina's water supply exceeds the...

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We make transition! pilot process

We make transition! pilot process

We make transition! -project aims to enhance cooperation between local authorities, various civil society actors, entrepreneurs and other sustainability stakeholders to co-create solutions to eco-social sustainability. Partners from six countries cooperate with...

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