Thank you for sharing exciting Interreg experiences with us! The Programme Conference is over

10 Apr 2019

More than 300 participants from all around the Baltic Sea and beyond attended the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme Conference held in Lübeck on 9-10 April 2019 to talk about project achievements in making the Baltic Sea region more innovative, better accessible and sustainable. With a high number of participants and very active involvement into the discussions, the event was a unique opportunity to bring the Interreg family together.

© IB.SH/Anna Galyga


Cooperation that matters

Being inspired by the three Nobel Prize winners related to Lübeck, i.e. Thomas Mann, Willy Brandt and Günter Grass, the event gathered more than 300 people interested in benefits transnational cooperation has brought to the Baltic Sea region. Representatives of 111 projects, projects platforms, people responsible for allocating the funds, European Commission, coordinators of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, experts and others talked about project achievements for two days.

Keynote speeches by Ms Sabine Sütterlin-Waack, Minister of Justice, European Affairs, Consumer Protection and Equality of Schleswig-Holstein, and Mr Erk Westermann-Lammers, CEO of Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein (IB.SH) provided a bigger picture for further discussions in groups. Afterwards, sixteen parallel sessions dedicated to different thematic fields allowed to learn together about tangible project and project platform results bringing positive developments to the region.

There is still time needed to analyse all the knowledge gathered during the event. With the project results that were discussed at the event though it is clear that “together and beyond borders we can do more”, as concluded Susanne Sherrer, director of the Managing Authority / Joint Secretariat of Interreg Baltic Sea Region. “I saw commitment of people involved in Interreg projects and they urge to deliver tangible results for the regions,” highlighted Pekka Jounila from the European Commission, DG Regional and Urban Policy. And we are looking forward to continue in the same spirit to bring even more benefits to the regions, cities and people of the Baltic Sea region.

Thank you very much for your contributions!

Let’s watch the video now to remind ourselves about the wide scope of topics covered by Interreg Baltic Sea Region projects and project platforms!

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