Tell your project story

02 Aug 2020

A project story is like a journey which takes a reader for a planning ride of main stops on the way towards the destination. It considers the purpose of the journey and companions to invite along.In all project stories by Interreg Baltic Sea Region, it is the cooperation across borders that brings people from various countries together to tackle joint challenges and untap opportunities in the region. Now, we would like to pass on to you the chance to shape a project story. You can decide which experts to invite to speak up and which shared experiences to highlight. Now, you can tell your own story and take readers for an exclusive journey through your project.

© PantherMedia / artursz


How to tell your project story in steps:

  • Draft a project story
  • Consult your draft story with the Communication Officers at the Managing Authority/Joint Secretariat
  • Once published on the Interreg Baltic Sea Region website and in the project library, share the story through your communication channels

If you are curious how to draft a good project story and what the key elements to include, watch a short guidance video by Stefanie and Anna, Communication Officers at the Managing Authority/Joint Secretariat.

A few practical tips:

  • Give your story a catchy title (max 100 characters)
  • Start your story with a teaser to convince your readers it is worth reading the full story (220-440 characters)
  • Ensure your article is no longer than 3,000-4,500 characters
  • Divide your article into paragraphs, ideally with subtitles, for easier reading
  • Avoid programme jargon, such as work package, output, pilot etc. – imagine you are telling your story to a neighbour or a friend you haven’t seen in a long time
  • Think of an image(s) to illustrate your project story, and a video (if available)
  • Clarify the copyrights for the image(s) and ensure that they can be used in a horizontal format (ratio 3:1 for the main image)
  • Deadline: there is no specific deadline unless indicated by MA/JS.

Let’s make your project story heard together!
Contact us:
tel. +49 381 45484 5277

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