Pilot of the BalMarGrav product

17 Sep 2024

The working group would like to invite for taking part in the pilot activity of the BalMarGrav project, which will last until 23 September 2024. The aim of the pilot is to validate the product developed during the project – homogenized marine gravity data of southern and eastern Baltic Sea.

In order to help us to test and improve our product, please download the data from the NKG/FAMOS/BalMarGrav gravity data base by sending an e-mail to Gabriel Strykowski, DTU Space (gs@spase.dtu.dk) with a request to access a source #1000, test it and fill out the on-line survey: https://forms.office.com/e/gdXatkECvg.

A presentation which describes the developed product, as well as the principles of a pilot for testing it can be found HERE.

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