Lots of new project ideas to make change in the Baltic Sea region

16 Jan 2018

From 5 October 2017 to 15 January 2018, Interreg Baltic Sea Region was accepting new project ideas for a more innovative, better accessible and sustainable Baltic Sea region in the third call for project applications. As many as 269 project idea forms have been submitted throughout this time period, proving the existing potential for more transnational cooperation in the region to tackle together challenges that go beyond the borders.


Project Idea Forms

The applicants were obliged to match their project idea to the relevant Programme thematic priority. Out of 269 submitted project ideas, 120 of them cover the thematic Priority 1: Capacity for innovation, 98 project ideas refer to the Priority 2: Management of the natural resources, and as many as 51 project ideas – to the Priority 3: Sustainable transport.

The application procedure

In the third call for project applications, it was mandatory to submit a brief project idea form to the Managing Authority/Joint Secretariat (MA/JS). The project idea form is used as a basis for project consultations. In this way, the staff of the MA/JS supports the applicants in further development of their project ideas. After the obligatory consultations, the applicants can receive access to the online application system BAMOS. The deadline for preparing complete applications and submitting them is 9 April 2018 [16:00 CEST (UTC+2)]. After the quality assessment carried out by the MA/JS, the Monitoring Committee of the Programme will select the applications for funding on 19-20 September 2018. It is expected that some 25 projects will be selected for funding.

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