Listen up! Voices from the Interreg community

16 Jun 2021

In our new playlist on YouTube, we present to you people from the Baltic Sea region who are on a mission. With their work for and in Interreg projects they bring to life the vision of the European Union, because they are creating a culture of cooperation across and beyond borders. Listen to what they have achieved with this EU funding scheme for cooperation. Listen to “Interreg voices”.


Interreg voices is a video series published by the Managing Authority/Joint Secretariat of Interreg Baltic Sea Region. Every other week, we publish a new episode of Interreg voices. Have a look at the playlist on YouTube now.

Laura Normio from Rambøll in Finland is one of those people on a mission. She has been working to enhance environmentally friendly shipping on rivers, lakes and channels around the Baltic Sea for several years. Listen to her statement here:


Recent news

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Interreg: tangible benefits for local communities; an inspiring example for others

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