Joint Programming Committee for 2021-2027 gets started

13 Feb 2020

On 5-6 February 2020 the Joint Programming Committee of Interreg Baltic Sea Region for the funding period 2021 to 2027 had its first meeting in Riga under the chairmanship of Latvia. Summary notes of the meeting are planned to be published on the Programme website in March.

© IB.SH/Robert Schulz


About 30 delegates from eleven countries engaged in lively discussions about the policy objectives, i.e. the topics, and the types of projects to be funded in the future. They adopted rules for how the Joint Programming Committee  is to carry out its work and agreed on next steps of the programming process as well as an overall timeline. The timeline foresees the future Programme to be launched during the second half of 2021. The timeline plans for a public consultation process over summer 2020.

The Joint Programming Committee (JPC) is the decision making body for programming, i.e. for the preparation of the future transnational Interreg funding Programme for the Baltic Sea region in terms of the topics that can receive funding, the types of projects, the types of partners who can apply etc. Each EU country in the Programme area, Norway and Russia as well as Belarus sends up to three delegates each. Representatives of the Managing Authority/Joint Secretariat as well as of the European Commission participate in the JPC as advisors.

Please visit the dedicated section on the Programme website to follow the development of the programming process.


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