Explore Interreg Baltic Sea Region online in the project library

12 Apr 2018

Do you want to know what a certain Interreg Baltic Sea Region project is all about? Are you looking for a speaker for your conference on blue growth, renewable energy or sustainable shipping? Do you need to find out who in your region is working in Interreg? Information about all ongoing projects in Interreg Baltic Sea Region are available in the project library.

You can search the project library of Interreg Baltic Sea Region at projects.interreg-baltic.eu  to get easy access to information about all projects currently ongoing. On top of basic information, such as the partners, budget, and the project’s relation to the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR), you can find project summaries, some 30 project stories, more than 20 videos, and latest project activities on Twitter or Facebook. For detailed statistics, you can download an excel list of beneficiaries to work with – it is renewed at least twice per year.

We update the project library continuously to provide you with fresh and useful information. Later this year, first outputs of the projects will become available. With the library we want to support you, thematic experts, applicants and officials working with Interreg as well as all other European citizens interested in cooperation beyond borders.

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