Apply to organise and host the 2020 Strategy Forum

22 May 2019

A call for applications for the organisation of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Forum 2020 is open. Applicants need to follow a two-step procedure to assure strong applications with national support.

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©Ardo Kaljuvee/Estonian Foreign Ministry


Interreg Baltic Sea Region calls for applications to prepare and organise the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Forum 2020 (Strategy Forum 2020). Strategy Forums aim at shaping debates among decision-makers from businesses, politics, international organisations and civil society from across the Baltic Sea region. They are important platforms that ensure visibility of the Strategy and strengthen cooperation in the region.

The call is organised in two steps. By 28 June 2019, applicants need to submit a project idea form to the Managing Authority/Joint Secretariat of Interreg Baltic Sea Region (MA/JS). The project idea has to be accompanied by a letter of support from the EUSBSR National Coordinator representing the country where the forum is planned to take place. The EUSBSR National Coordinators will pre-select the most suitable proposal(s) by 6 September 2019 the latest. Following the NC pre-selection, the MA/JS will approach the endorsed applicant(s) to provide access to the online application system to fill in the application form. The complete application is to be provided by 4 October 2019.

More information can be found in the application package available for download here.

It contains the following documents:

  • Announcement note call F5
  • Project Idea Form call F5 (updated guidance: 14.05.2019)
  • Letter of support (template)
  • Application Form for priority 4.2 (example)
  • Partner Declaration call F5


Contact person for applications: Sebastian Hentsch (  

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