31 projects selected to further stimulate the development in the Baltic Sea region

20 Sep 2018

As many as 31 new projects will receive funding within the framework of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020. The Monitoring Committee of Interreg Baltic Sea Region met in Tallinn on 19-20 September 2018 to select most promising transnational projects to further stimulate the development of the region in the fields of capacity for innovation, management of natural resources and sustainable transport.

© IBSH/Anna Galyga

31 new ideas for the benefit of the region

The Monitoring Committee is accountable for approving project applications, overseeing the overall project implementation and the correct use of funds. This time, the Monitoring Committee selected 31 project applications out of 114 submitted project applications in the third call in priorities 1-3 (i.e. capacity for innovation, management of natural resources, sustainable transport). By this, the Monitoring Committee allocated EUR 56 million of the European Regional Developing Fund (ERDF), EUR 1.9 million of the Norwegian National Fund and EUR 1.4 million of ENI/Russian National Fund to the selected projects. Supporting digitalisation of small and medium sized enterprises in the mechatronics and mechanical engineering sector, combatting water pollution from microplastics, managing drained peatlands, and improving mobility in remote touristic areas are examples of ideas supported by the Committee.

Newly selected projects complement 74 ongoing projects from the first call and second call, and will actively contribute to making the Baltic Sea region more innovative, better accessible and sustainable.

More information about third call projects will follow.

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