Interreg Baltic Sea region 2021 – 2027

Priority 4:

Programme objective 4.1

Project platforms

The Programme supports the cooperation of EU-funded projects in project platforms. These actions bring the results of various projects to stakeholders in the Baltic Sea region in a structured way. They show how the different results complement each other, making use of synergies across EU funds. 

Programme Objective 4.2

Macro-regional governance

The Programme supports actions that implement and strengthen governance and communication activities in the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR). They shall facilitate policy discussions and trigger policy changes, build up networks to develop projects and other initiatives in line with the EUSBSR Action Plan.


Pilot of the BalMarGrav product

The working group would like to invite for taking part in the pilot activity of the BalMarGrav project, which will last until 23 September 2024. The aim of...

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Interreg: tangible benefits for local communities; an inspiring example for others

Interreg: tangible benefits for local communities; an inspiring example for others

What should be the role of Interreg in the future Cohesion Policy? How does Interreg help build a more integrated Europe? Listen to Sabrina Repp from the European Parliament, an active member at the REGI Committee, who is dedicated to supporting regional development. Based in Rostock, just like the Programme’s main office, she took her time to better get to know Interreg Baltic Sea Region projects and share her visions for the future. 

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Four priorities & nine objectives

Four priorities for cooperation

Interreg Baltic Sea Region 2021-2027 creates opportunities for organisations to connect
as if there were no borders. With experience and EU funding, we help them cooperate and put their ideas into practice.

Jointly, we make the life of people around the Baltic Sea better.

The Programme is structured along with four priorities. They guide partners in achieving the most when cooperating across borders.

Priority 1

Innovative societies

1.1 Resilient economies and communities
1.2 Responsive public services

Priority 2

Water-smart societies

2.1 Sustainable waters
2.2 Blue economy

Priority 3

Climate-neutral societies

3.1 Circular economy
3.2 Energy transition
3.3 Smart green mobility

Priority 4

Cooperation governance

4.1 Project platform
4.2 Macro-regional governance
