Musical Vertigo / 3rd pilot cycle launched in Poland
15 October 2024
“I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, enjoy them and dominate them.” – Oscar Wilde
On Monday 30 September, the first meeting of the third series of workshops for young people entitled ‘Musical Vertigo’ took place.
The workshop is part of a pilot activity implemented in the West Pomeranian Region within the framework of the Interreg BSR project Arts on Prescription in the Baltic Sea Region, and aims to familiarise young people with the work of an actor and director and give them a unique opportunity to move into the world of theatre and the musical. Participants in this edition of the workshop will have the opportunity to learn about emotionally liberating dance techniques, acting workshop, secrets of photography, the art of stage make-up and take part in activities to build mental resilience through art.
During the first meeting, participants had the opportunity to get to know each other and their own emotions through meditation, shouting and various acting exercises. In this way, they learned more about themselves and the emotions that affect their daily lives. There was a lot of laughter and some stress with breaking down their own barriers and opening up to others through various tasks. It was a demanding workout, but the smiles on the participants’ faces after the workshop rewarded all the effort put into their preparation.
The workshop was led by Sylwia Różycka, president of the START Foundation, an actress of musical and dramatic stages, and Karol Pruciak, an actor from the Polish Theatre in Bielsko-Biała and a man of many talents.
The Musical Vertigo programme as well as the other six Arts on Prescription pilot programmes that are currently tested in cities and regions in Denmark, Germany, Poland, Latvia and Sweden will be finally evaluated assessing i.a. the health effects of the programme. The overall evaluation coordination is with the University of Southern Denmark and the Turku University of Applied Sciences. Final results are planned to be summarised in a scientific publication after the 3rd piloting phase in 2025.