Final event on 16 September 2024

Project: ChemClimCircle
Virtual event
The EU Interreg BSR ChemClimCircle project period is coming to an end in September 2024.


A digital event takes place on 16 September 11:00-13:00 CET to present the results of the project to a wider audience.

The ChemClimCircle project aims to integrate several sustianability aspects into procurement processes as criteria and follow-up procedures. At the event, the background and aims will be described, and then, focus will be on:

  • Guidance and training materials for the ChemClimCircle apporach to procurement;
  • Sustainability coordination in procurement processes;
  • Potential for developing these processes in the Baltic Sea region;
  • Resources needed to implement the ChemClimCircle approach in municipalities.


Upcoming events

No upcoming events.

    Past events

    Consortium meeting in Stockholm
    Project: ChemClimCircle
    Physical Meeting
    15. - 16. May 2024
    Procura+ Conference
    Project: ChemClimCircle
    Physical Meeting
    13. - 14. March 2024
    ChemClimCircle: Procurement cases in the Swedish central purchasing body Adda
    Project: ChemClimCircle
    Virtual Meeting
    18. December 2023
    11:00 - 13:00 (CET)