Baltic Approaches to Handling Plastic Pollution under a Circular Economy Context

Unlocking Solutions: The Plastic Escape Game

15 July 2024
Our partners joined the Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress 2024 organised in collaboration with Finland’s Sustainability Science Days in the period of 10-14 June.
Technical details

During this event, we organized an engaging interactive session for the congress participants. This session was designed to guide them through our project, highlighting the numerous benefits of joining our initiatives. Additionally, we provided an opportunity for participants to test and enhance their problem-solving skills through various challenging activities. This approach not only informed them about our project but also allowed them to experience firsthand the value and impact of our initiatives.

The session began with a brief quiz to assess the participants’ knowledge about single-use plastics. This was followed by a concise introduction to our project, accompanied by a presentation on various corporate initiatives aimed at reducing plastic waste from single-use plastics.

The highlight of the session was the Escape Game developed by Plastic-Free City. It engaged participants in an immersive learning experience centered around the global plastic crisis. Designed as an interactive adventure, the game consisted of three critical stations—microplastics, the plastic inventory, and the intricate relationship between plastics and the climate crisis. Each station was not just a step closer to the code to unlock a mysterious box, but also a deep dive into the significant environmental and health issues associated with plastic pollution. This innovative approach allowed participants to explore complex topics in an engaging and memorable way, transforming abstract environmental concerns into tangible challenges that could be tackled during the game.

As players moved from station to station, they unravelled the impacts of plastics through hands-on activities and problem-solving scenarios. The game provided practical tools and knowledge that participants could apply in their everyday lives and professional environments at their organizations to mitigate plastic usage and its effects. Beyond merely educating, the Escape Game fostered creativity among its participants, encouraging them to think outside the box—literally and figuratively. By the time the final code was cracked and the box opened, participants had not only learned about the urgency of combating plastic pollution but also felt empowered to make a difference. This session highlighted the power of interactive learning and demonstrated how gamification could effectively raise awareness and drive change in addressing critical global issues like the plastic crisis.

The success of this engaging and educational session at the Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress 2024 underscored the potential of interactive learning in addressing global challenges. By transforming the complex issue of plastic pollution into an immersive experience, we not only raised awareness but also empowered participants to take actionable steps in their personal and professional lives. This innovative approach highlights the importance of creativity and collaboration in fostering a sustainable future. As we move forward, we remain committed to leveraging such dynamic methods to inspire change and drive impactful solutions for a cleaner, healthier planet.