Consolidation of Arts on Prescription in Bremen
11 July 2024
Diseases such as depression, stress, and anxiety are on the rise globally, especially after years of lockdown and uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This trend is also evident in data concerning the population of Bremen (DAK 2022, external link) and coincides with a strained situation in outpatient care. For instance, there are frequent reports from the field of independent psychotherapists of waiting times of up to six months and longer. To counter this development, there must be an increased focus on both alternative support offerings to alleviate the healthcare system and on preventive approaches.
The Arts on Prescription (AoP) concept provides such an alternative approach by collaborating between the health and the cultural sector, and using the power of arts and existing community-based offerings, such as, regular art classes of the Bremer Volkshochschule (Bremen Adult Education Centre – vhs). Participation in artistic activities in group settings has been proven to have positive effects on mental well-being (WHO 2019, external link). Arts on Prescription – or Kunst auf Rezept in German – is therefore a concept that can help counteract the development of mental illnesses, reduces the burden on individuals and societies, and promote overall mental health. Participants engage in weekly art classes and an accompanying group programme, where they find a safe space for interaction and strengthen their self-efficacy – as one of the participants of the second Bremer pilot programme confirmed in this video reportage (external link, published by the Bremen regional newsroom buten un binnen of Radio Bremen).
Since January 2023, the Bremen vhs, together with the Ministry for Health, Women and Consumer protection and the Ministry for Culture, and project partners from six other countries in the Baltic Sea region, has been participating in the Interreg project “Arts on Prescription in the Baltic Sea Region” (duration: 2023-2025).
More information on the Bremen AoP programme? Watch this video footprint of the Bremen pilot programme:
If you seek even more information in German, visit the recently launched project website Kunst auf Rezept of the Bremen vhs with hands-on guidance for participants, health care and social service providers, cultural institutions and more!