Light in the Dark – Increasing resilience in rural and coastal tourism in the northern Baltic Sea Region by developing off-season experiences
Light in the Dark

Creating Light in the Dark experiences

08 March 2024
Join us on our first Light in the Dark webinar 10.4 where we will offer inspiring examples of companies and destinations innovatively developing their region throughout the year. What is the potential in the regional and European markets? How can I attract tour operators to my region?
Technical details

An invited panel of destinations and entrepreneurs will ponder the challenges and possibilities of sustainably developing tourism that offers the most benefits to their communities.

• Pernille Kofod Lydolph – former Director of Destination Bornholm, Denmark
• Eriks Lingeberzins – Director of Balticvision and assistant professor at the Faculty of International Tourism, Turiba University, Latvia
• Andy Fairburn – Director of Nordic Tourism Collective, United Kingdom
• Maria Pick, tourism developer, Kimitö Islands and Örö, Finland

Being proud is an asset if used the right way – Why sell summer when it sells itself. Bornholm as a winter destination
Co-creation to find the light in the dark – Local networks as a key to developing off-season tourism.
Getting Out and About – sustainability and nature-based sentiment in the UK – International demand in off-season travel
Using darkness and events to create new seasons

The webinar recording and presentations are found here.

The webinar is open to everyone interested in sustainable tourism development in the coastal areas of the Baltic Sea. A detailed program will be updated here in late March and sent to all registered participants.

Creating Light in the Dark experiences Wednesday 10.4 9:30 -11 EET (Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania)  8:30-10 CET (Sweden, Poland and Denmark). Register here.