Project Partner Capacity Building Webinar "Approaches of Ecosystem Services and Blue Green Infrastructure mapping, assessment and integration in spatial planning"

Project: Baltic Sea2Land
Virtual event


The aims of the meeting to raise capacity of the project team:

1) to introduce the concept and framework of the ecosystem services;

2) to share the experiences on integration of ES and BGI in spatial planning in the selected BalticSea2land countries;

3) to discuss about the relevance application of the concepts in other pilots.


Upcoming events

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    Past events

    Project Partner Meeting to navigate next steps
    Project: Baltic Sea2Land
    Physical Meeting
    15. - 17. May 2024
    Baltic Sea2Land project at the Blue Mission BANOS Arena 2 2024, supporting the EU Mission Restore our Ocean & Waters in the Baltic and North Sea
    Project: Baltic Sea2Land
    Physical Meeting
    25. - 26. April 2024
    Project Partner Capacity Building Webinar "Climate smart coastal planning"
    Project: Baltic Sea2Land
    Virtual Meeting
    23. February 2024