Stakeholders from the Baltic Sea and the North Sea regions came together in Gothenburg to push forward carbon-neutral & circular Blue Economy by 2030
28 November 2023
1st Blue Mission BANOS’ Arena gathered 500 participants interested to pursue EU Mission Ocean’s objectives. Three days started with the opening plenary which suggested highlights for the way for the innovative blue economy solutions in the Western Baltic all three days were full of lively buzzing workshops showcasing local, regional and national approaches for realisation of blue economy. As a result, in the final plenary concrete actions for the EU’s Mission Ocean’s success were proposed, polished and voted among the all participants. To name a few, which undoubtedly align with the aims of Baltic Sea2Land project:
To realise the potential of multi-use solutions, we must act now to:
- Clarify permitting processes and provide suitable regulatory incentives
- Integrate offshore multi-use into maritime spatial plans
- Consider the socio-economic and environmental benefits of multi-use
To ensure more effective measures for marine protection, we must act now to:
- Provide funding for local implementation and management of MPAs
- Start with ‘something’ small now, rather than wait for comprehensive solutions later
- Empower local communities to establish, manage, and monitor MPAs
To get more locally produced sustainable blue products on the market, we must act now to:
- Develop new products from alternative local blue biomass
- Replace feed imports from overseas and incentivise a blue/green transition
- Promote standardisation of new products and processes to scale up production
To support local sustainable blue businesses, we must act now to:
- Treat aquaculture farmers like the traditional food sectors and fast-track approval processes
- Support collaboration and co-creation between academia, startups & private sector
- Establish advisory services for municipalities wanting to explore the development of circular blue biobased value chains
Realistic solutions such as blue food, bioresources, biotechnology, low-trophic aquaculture & products, and multi-use were highlighted as ways to address some of our world’s greatest challenges. And ecosystem-based spatial planning and stakeholder engagement and co-creation were recognised as important as ever.
VASAB Secretariat, being spatial planning cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region and Baltic Sea2Land project partner, represented own latest Vision 2040, as well as insights into maritime and coastal spatial planning cooperation efforts across the Baltic Sea. Moreover, at the Exhibition Hall many participants were introduced to the forthcoming development of the Land2Sea Navigator and upcoming workshops to tackle gaps and needs of land-sea interface along the Baltic Sea.
More information about Blue Mission Banos, beforementioned and upcoming events: here.
Prepared by Margarita Vološina, VASAB Secretariat, November 2023