International forum “Mission: Establishing a Bioregion in the Gauja National Park”

Project: KISMET
Physical Meeting
Event to gather stakeholders supporting & fostering the development of the 1st Bioregion in Latvia.
  • Date & Time
    25. October 2023
    10:00 - 16:00 (CET)
  • Organiser
    Association “Greenfest\", Nature Conservation Agency, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Vidzeme Planning Region, SIA “ZAAO”, Cēsis District Rural Partnership, Latvian Rural Advisory and Education Centre, Latvian Organic Farming Association, KISMET project, WeMakeTransition! project, Cities2030 project
  • Contact


All interested parties are invited to join the International forum “Mission: Establishing a Bioregion in the Gauja National Park” in Sigulda, Latvia. It is organised by a broad cooperation of organisations and municipal administrations and will bring together numerous experts from different fields and projects, including the EU projects KISMET, WeMakeTransition! (Interreg BSR) and Cities2030 (Horizon 2020). This event will bring together all the stakeholders who care about the development of sustainable food in the region. The forum will also be a valuable platform for the implementation of the KISMET activities, as the experts will hold discussions about the current affairs, problems, challenges, and interests of this field in one place. It will provide important information and a basis for the future activities in the development of a food strategy and in the education of consumers and producers. Experts from Latvia and abroad will present the bioregion concept and activities in Europe and will share inspiring examples of forward-thinking regional development. Bioregion Examples Worldwide and in Europe will be presented by Jostein Hertwig, Executive Director of the Global Alliance of Bioregions, KISMET partner representing BERAS International, Sweden. See the detailed programme below and register here if you are interested to join the event by 20 October. Event venue: Siguldas novada Kultūras centrs \'Devons\' (Sigulda Culture Center \'Devons\') Address: 10, Pils iela, Segewold, Siguldas novads, Livland, LV-2150, Latvia


Upcoming events

"New Food: What the Health?"
Project: KISMET
Physical Meeting
11. July 2024
17:00 - 20:00 (CET)

    Past events

    Coffee with KISMET #13
    Project: KISMET
    Virtual Meeting
    27. June 2024
    09:00 - 10:00 (CET)
    Coffee with KISMET #12
    Project: KISMET
    Virtual Meeting
    20. June 2024
    09:00 - 10:00 (CET)
    Coffee with KISMET #11
    Project: KISMET
    Virtual Meeting
    16. May 2024
    09:00 - 10:00 (CEST)