7th International Creative Congress Design Plus - Design by prescription

Date & Time19. October 2023
19:00 - 21:00 (CET) -
OrganiserMedia Design Association Marshal’s Office of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship Municipality of Szczecin INKU Creative Sectors IncubatorDesign Plus INKU Inkubator Sektorów Kreatywnych
- Pałac Ziemstwa Pomorskiego, Akademia Sztuki w Szczecinie, Al. Niepodległości 40
- 70-412 Szczecin
- Poland
As part of the Design Plus Congress, a panel discussion entitled Arts on Prescription will take place on 19 October at 7 PM, organized by Westpomeranian Region and Media Design Association as part of the Interreg project Arts on Prescription in Baltic Sea Region, co-financed by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2021-2027.
Panel Topic: Good health and wellbeing are a fundamental pillar of prosperous societies. However, health policy across the EU focuses on treating disease. What is needed, therefore, is a more ambitious and holistic approach to health and well-being that complements the biomedical model - a shift in focus towards health promotion and disease prevention. Mental health problems already affected more than 85 million EU citizens before COVID-19. Since then, anxiety and depression have increased significantly, and current factors such as the energy crisis and the war in Ukraine are likely to exacerbate these conditions further. In addition, there are severe capacity constraints on psychosocial support systems in many European countries, often with long waiting lists.
Culture is an important resource in a holistic approach to health. Through culture and the arts, targeted initiatives can be tailored to different audiences with specific needs - whether they are young, old or of working age. Arts and cultural activities are important in promoting positive mental health and well-being in communities, both individually and at a collective level.
Research and pilot activities carried out indicate links between arts-related cultural activities and positive health outcomes. These benefits include: improved quality of life, general and psychological wellbeing, increased social engagement, reduced personal experiences of depression and anxiety, improved health-related quality of life in patients with chronic conditions, prevention of cognitive decline in older people, and development of cognitive, emotional and social skills.
We want to talk about the experiences of our speakers and the challenges ahead.
• What are your experiences in implementing arts activities for health and well-being? Can art really heal us? Could our doctors give us a prescription for culture if traditional therapy is not necessary?
• Is there anything that, in retrospect, you judge to be particularly good or particularly bad in terms of the activities carried out?
• We live in a time when a huge part of social life takes place online. Can online cultural interventions be as beneficial as face-to-face contact?
• How could we improve collaboration between cultural, health and other actors involved in the development and implementation of such activities?
• Is it worth including specific provisions in policy documents at regional and local level recognising the health and well-being benefits of cultural activities? Or is it too early to take this step, and should a series of pilot activities and more research initiatives be carried out first?
• How to reach the people of the Region more effectively. How to raise awareness of the health and well-being benefits of cultural activities?
• Do you see a need to support the development of training involving mechanisms for the mental health and well-being of those involved in the delivery of cultural activities? Should local authorities enable and financially support peer learning and exchange of good practice on this topic?
Daniel Jacewicz - theatre director, actor, cultural animator, theatre instructor. In 1996 he founded and still runs the Brama Theatre in Goleniów, which combines artistic, educational and cultural activities. Originator and main executor of the Goleniów BRAMAT Theatre Meetings and the ŁAKNIENIA Theatre Youth Festival. Artistic director of the Human Mosaic Festival. For many years an animator of local, national and international theatre activities and projects, winner of the main prizes at most off-theatre festivals in the country. Author of several dozen theatrical premieres, including: Zabawa (2000), Gaz (2003) My (2007) Uczucie w dźwięku (2009), Ghost Dance (2017), Stacja Świadek (2021), Carmina (2022), co-creator of artistic activities carried out jointly with, among others, Arti Grabowski, Chorea Theatre, Helena Modrzejewska Theatre from Legnica, Stajnia Pegaza Theatre from Sopot. Initiator of multidirectional networks of cooperation between artists and art centres of both local and nationwide range (e.g. Ogólnoposlka OFFesnywa Teatralna, Zachodniopomorska OFFensywa Teatralna, cooperation with Szczecin\'s Kana Theatre, Ośrodek Poszukiwań Twórczych in Strzelewo, Instytut im. He has been involved in both international (projects with the Stella Polaris Theatre from Norway, centres in Germany, Greece, Spain, Ukraine, Peru, the USA, Australia, Brazil, Romania, Italy, for which he carries out projects involving local communities) and international (projects with the Stella Polaris Theatre from Norway, centres in Germany, Greece, Spain, Ukraine, Peru, the USA, Australia, Brazil, Romania, Italy, for which he carries out projects involving local communities). Artistic coordinator of European projects (Creative Europe): Caravan Next, Green Ethics, Human Mosaic, Common Ground, Originator of the Alternative Theatre Academy. Leader of the Theatre Centre, which has been operating from its own premises in Goleniów since 2012, where cyclical programme activities are carried out, aimed primarily at the local community (children, adolescents, adults, seniors) , and at the same time promoting multiculturalism - the Gate Theatre annually accepts volunteers within the Erasmus plus programme, thanks to which Goleniów has become one of the important centres of the European Voluntary Service. Originator and curator of the Alternative Theatre Academy. Winner of the Pro ARTE award, granted by the Marshal of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship for his artistic achievements, the award of Merit in Polish Culture granted by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage and the title of the Culturist of the Year granted by journalists of the Polish Radio Programme 3.
Anita Kartyń, Ph.D. - academic teacher at the University of Szczecin, school teacher at ZSO no. 7 in Szczecin, social skills trainer, IS therapist, author of the documentary Free to be..., awarded at film festivals, author of many educational and preventive projects: among others Creative Workshop, participant and organiser of many workshops and activities related to social and cultural activation. She is the author of many educational and preventive projects: among others, the Creative exploration workshop, participant and organiser of many workshops and activities related to socio-cultural activation of children, young people and seniors.
Artur Groszkowski - Pedagogue, oligophrenopedagogue, TUS trainer. A passionate draughtsman, graphic artist and sculptor. For more than fifteen years, he has worked at the Community Self-help Centre in Choszczno. Professionally associated with the creative development of people with mental disorders. Animator of various activities developing creative activity in its broadest sense. Originator and co-organiser of the Festival of Non-Trivial Songs Towards Sensibility. Creator of the innovative project Beksiński - Inspirations and a series of exhibitions under the same name.
Malwina Bieganowska - Founder of the Bieganowska Music Academy, vocal coach with many years of experience, vocalist, pianist, series actress, conductor, multiple winner of international vocal competitions, initiator of a nationwide charity project for sick children, which could be heard about in Dzień Dobry TVN. She has performed, among others, at Mietek Szcześniak\'s concert or as a support act for Krystyna Prońko. In her classes, she uses her innovative method of combining arts and elements of art therapy, which helps to get rid of tensions, pull down internal blockages and accelerate the absorption of knowledge.
The panel will be moderated by Ms Monika Klein, president of the Media Design Association and project partner of Arts on Prescription in the Baltic Sea Region.
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