19 January 2023

Zooming in on core projects!

 Written by Viktoria Nilsson
On 17-18 January, the Managing Authority/Joint Secretariat (MA/JS) team welcomed the first core projects to a Lead Partner Seminar in Berlin.  
Setting directions on a future work

31 core projects are getting ready for the implementation of their activities that will bring new solutions to the challenges in the Baltic Sea region and drive the transition towards a green and resilient region.

To help the projects better understand what is expected from them during the project implementation, the MA/JS team organised a two days´ physical working seminar in Berlin, on 17-18 January 2023. The event gathered 61 project partners, mainly from the lead partner organisations of the new projects. The aim of the Lead Partner Seminar was to raise awareness of the Programme rules and principles, inform about the reporting procedures, and clarify any practical questions. The projects got equipped with a package of supporting tools that help them better report on the activities and promote the achievements. The MA/JS team set directions on the joint journey over three years.

Besides, the seminar gave a chance for project partners to meet the team of the MA/JS and establish contacts with other projects. The warming-up exercise to get to know each other and think of possible joint activities in the future generated a lot of engagement and inspiring ideas. Joint events and exchange of experience from piloting were among the proposals. It is a pleasure to see how active and enthusiastic the lead partners are!

What is next?

Once the projects are contracted, they can start implementing their activities. The projects will receive their own pages hosted on the Programme portal where they have the opportunity to tell stories and share achievements. Stay informed by checking out our project library.

Currently, the MA/JS team is running new calls for project applications. More smart ideas on how to build innovative, water-smart and climate-neutral region are to come!

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